Chapter Officer Elections
If you would like to run for an officer position you must contact Mr.
Meeks before the October meeting.
Officer Elections will be held On October 9, 2012 during the Arapaho Chapter Meeting.
Note: All Youth OA members may run for any of these positions.
Officer positions:
- Chapter Chief
- Vice Chief of Inductions
- Vice Chief of Camp Promotions
- Vice Chief of Service
- Vice Chief of Native American
- Vice Chief of Administration
- Vice Chief of Technology and Communication
Officer Descriptions:
Chapter Chief: He is the leader of the Chapter. He supervises and delegates the work
of the other chapter officers. He attends all meetings with the lodge and with the
district. He is in charge of keeping up with honor chapter requirements.
Vice Chief of Inductions: Participates in and promotes chapter attendance at of all Induction Weekends.
Vice Chief of Camp Promotions: Promotes Circle 10 Council Camps, Summer Camps, and Winter Camp to troops and OA members within the district and chapter. Keeps track of where troops within Northern Trail District are attending summer camp.
Vice Chief of Service: He is in charge of promoting service projects and keeping track of service hours.
Vice Chief of Native American: He is in charge of coordinating ceremony teams, including Brotherhood, Ordeal, Call-out, and Arrow of Light. He is also in responsible for keeping regalia clean and participating in ceremonies.
Vice Chief of Administration: Maintains and updates the chapter records and operates registration at all chapter events. He is responsible for the trading post, and setting up sign-in sheets at every chapter meeting and event.
Vice Chief of Technology and Communications: He is the managing editor of the Arapaho Chapter email newsletter. He also coordinates with the webmaster regarding content on the chapter webpage and social media sites.